Bountiful Executive Office Share

Call Now!

(801) 397-2223

Extra Services

Don't have the resources to purchase your necessities at this point?  Consider the following services:

High Speed I'net .......................................$30/mos.

Phone Answering Service...............................$100

(our receptionist will professionally answer the phone the way you would like her to, by your company name, giving your company more credibility than if it were to simply go to voice mail.  She can then email you the message so you instantly receive the message and call back at your excellent option for those just starting a business that don't have the capital to hire a secretary just yet).  

Phone Equipment Rental..................................$20

(only if the answering service is not needed, just the phones.  The equipment is provided with the Phone Answering Service option).  

Desk and Chair Rental......................................$20